A Prayer for Health
I am praying to you.
It is a fresco and it was found in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, into the Grave of Tutankhamun.
It dates back to 1408-1372 B.C..
In this text, a prayer to Zeus for recovery from every illness has been recorded.
Through this text, one can feel the power of prayer and the hope in God.
The research of the Grave of Tutankhamun proved the close relationship between the Egyptians and the Minoans, through the Keftiu Texts, found on the frescoes of that Grave.
The ancient text of the Grave became known in 1956, by Zan Vercoutter.
The researchers who worked on this text, date it approximately to 1408-1372 B.C..
A group of researchers dealt with this text and matched the symbols included in it, to their phonetic values, in the following succession:
Honouring their work , we did not retrace the initial text, which includes symbols. Instead, we began from the point we had stopped.
We studied the phonetic values in the actual text. We understood it, we read and translated it into Modern Greek, but we also approached it philosophically.
Figuration of the phonetic values of the text.
In our own view, the phonetic values are formed as follows:
The language of the text is Greek, Archaic, typical of any Minoan text. The grammatical structure of the text is mixed.
One can identify Pontic, Doric, Macedonian words, as well as Classical Greek Language.
The utterance of the words and of the verbal types, follows the grammatical rules of the Pontic, Doric and Macedonian Dialects, as well as those of the Classical Greek Language.
Translation of the text:
Σάτι (σάτε) Σαβαώθ δάει ούτο χαμάν. Ούτο κα (κάτω) τουρατία.
Ω Μέγα σα μύησόν με ούιας.
The Text in Modern Greek:
My God, bow and burn this immediately!
Put in on the ground, my Lord, and bring me closer to You.
(Υπέταξε, Θεέ μου και κάψε τούτο αμέσως. Τούτο κάτω (στη γη) εγκατέστησέ το, ω Μέγα, στα δικά σου μύησέ μου σημεία επαφής.)
A Philosophical Approach
This prayer and its title, concern the recovery from every illness.
My God, I hope that you help me recover.
This is what Tutankhamun, who was sickly, recorded during his life, as well as into his Grave. Through his prayer, he expressed a hope for recovery from all the illnesses that tortured his weak body. While leaning on his stick, he prays to Zeus for recovery. In addition, he prays for induction to God’s sacred mysteries.
Joining God is a beginning for many things.
The prayer is the way to join God.
Ζeus’s Religious Leaders teach that:
For recovery from passions and every illness, one should say this prayer four times. This is the only way the sick person’s prayer can be accepted, as it reaches all the four compass points.
An Egyptian Pharaoh prays to the God of Greeks in Greek. Maybe the Greek Traditions and Religious Beliefs had a strong influence on the Egyptians’ life.
They pray to God not only for recovery from their illness, but also for induction to His sacred mysteries, to bring them closer to Him.
Human nature always needs God so much. Humans always wish for their close contact with God. Μystics of God and complete beings:
With no passions, no pain, no jealousy.
When the Greeks were close to their own Gods, they overcame all quarrels, personal interests and they spread their cultural grandeur everywhere in the world.
The time may have come to get closer to our God again, with no passions, no hate, but with fair solutions for all.
Humans always felt the need to approach God. Maybe this weakness leads to the thought of safety, when difficult situations emerge.
The prayer is the ladder and the path towards God.
Either as a simple prayer or a priest or Religious Leader, one comes much closer to God.
If you are close to God, everything is easy and possible. That is why Mystics took part in religious ceremonies, that is why the congregants made so many efforts. God always offers anything the prayers pray for and expect.
If one does not take part in sacred ceremonies, if one does not attend sacrifices, his/her prayer will not be accepted. God did not take anything from him/her, that is why he/she will not take anything from Him.
That is the reason why a prayer asks to become a Mystic at first.