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Sarpidon was the son of Zeus and Europe, and the brother of Minoas and Rhadamanthys.
He grew up in the Palaces of Asterios, on Crete, after his mother married him.
There was a rupture between Sarpidon and his brother, Minoas, as both of them claimed the throne of the kingdom.
Finally he loses the match with his brother, so he is obliged to leave Crete.
Accompanied by his faithful supporters, he leaves his hometown and he arrives in Asia Minor, where he establishes the town of Militos, in memory of the Cretan town Milatos.
He was a king in Asia Minor in parallel with Minoan’s kingship.
He contributed to the dissemination of the Minoan-Greek Culture in the wider area and beyond the borders of his kingdom.
As he was a competent fortune-teller, he organizes sacred ceremonies in oracles for his citizens’ worship needs throughout his kingdom.
Outside the area of his kingdom, there were oracles established by the Thracians, who accepted his godly roots. In Egypt he overlaps Sarapis and he is worshipped as a God.