International Academy of Ancestral Discourse (I.A.A.D.)
— Sarpidon the Minoan —
The International Academy of Ancestral Discourse is a non-profit company, the purpose of which is to research, to collect, to study, to read, to teach, to archive and to spread every Ancestral text about Knowledge, Art, Religion and every ancestral accomplishment, transforming it from a fable to a fact.
Ancestral Texts
The Ancestral Texts that have been read, interpreted and approached in a philosophical way, and that have been the first texts in the world scientifically documented, are the following:
The Seal of Yannitsa
A text about botanical therapy. I treat fever through medical plants.
It has been found during excavations in Yannitsa, the town of Pella Prefecture in Greece. It dates back to 5.000 B.C., when Dorians, Greeks, Macedonians started using the letters of our Alphabet to write.
Τhe maiden is trading. I earn money trading the products of my land.
The inscription was found by the researcher Halbherr in 1893, during excavations in Praisos, Crete, Greece. It dates back to 600 B.C..
You actually exist. < Χά λά εί >
The inscribed stone of the Hymn was found in the Sacred Altar, in the southern part of the Church of Asklipios, embedded on the wall of a Sanctuary in Ancient Messini, Peloponnese, Greece.
It dates back to 100 B.C..
The regulations of a ritual.
The parallel texts of Juktas. The virgin officiates.
They were found in the Minoan Sanctuary of Juktas, in Minoan Crete, Greece. It dates back to 1700 B.C..
Τhe Tiles of Ashkelon
Τhe Tiles of Ashkelon
Τhe inscription of Ashkelon. The Philistine power doctrine.
They were found during excavations in the Ancient Ashkelon settlement, in Israel. They date back to 1500 B.C..
Mother Komi- (Matar Komna/Μάταρ Κώμνα)
The proceedings of colonization.
It was found in 1904, in Praisos, Crete, Greece.
It dates back to the years after 400 B.C..
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